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Does Eyebrow Hair Grow Back Thicker

Eyebrow Hair Growth

Many people have heard the old wives' tale that if you pluck a hair, it will grow back thicker, but is this true for eyebrow hair? The short answer is no, but let's dive deeper into the science behind hair growth to understand why.

The Science Behind Hair Growth

Hair Follicle Growth

Hair growth is a complex process that occurs in phases. The first phase is the anagen phase, which is the growth phase. During this phase, the hair follicle is actively growing and can last anywhere from two to seven years. The second phase is the catagen phase, which is the transitional phase. This phase lasts for about two weeks and is when the hair follicle begins to shrink. The final phase is the telogen phase, which is the resting phase. This phase lasts for about three months, and then the hair falls out, and the cycle starts over again.

Each hair on your body goes through this cycle independently, which is why you are never entirely bald, and new hairs are always growing in.

Why Does Hair Appear Thicker After Plucking?

Plucked Eyebrow

When you pluck a hair, you are removing it from the follicle entirely. This process can cause some mild trauma to the hair follicle and the surrounding tissue, leading to some mild inflammation.

This inflammation can cause the area to appear slightly red and swollen, and it can also stimulate the hair follicle to produce a new hair more quickly than it would have otherwise. This new hair may appear thicker or darker than the previous hair because it is still in the anagen phase and has not yet been exposed to environmental factors that can affect its appearance.

Does This Happen with Eyebrow Hair?

Eyebrow Hair Growth

Eyebrow hair is no different from other types of hair on your body and follows the same growth cycle. However, because eyebrow hair is typically finer and lighter than other types of hair on your body, it may be more noticeable when a new hair grows in after plucking.

It is essential to note that the new hair that grows in after plucking will not be thicker or darker than the previous hair, and it will eventually return to its natural state.


In conclusion, the old wives' tale that plucking hair causes it to grow back thicker is false. Plucking eyebrow hair may cause the area to appear red and swollen temporarily, but the new hair that grows in will not be thicker or darker than the previous hair.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyebrows, there are many other methods of hair removal, such as threading or waxing, that can help you achieve your desired look without the risk of thicker hair growth.

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