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What Percentage Of The Population Can Raise One Eyebrow

The Rock Raising Eyebrow


Have you ever wondered how many people can raise one eyebrow? It's a unique and fun talent that many people possess. In this article, we will discuss what percentage of the population can raise one eyebrow, the science behind it, and some famous people who can do it.

The Science Behind Raising One Eyebrow

Anatomy Of Eyebrow

The ability to raise one eyebrow is due to the anatomy of the forehead and the muscles that control its movement. The frontalis muscle is responsible for raising the eyebrows, and it is divided into two parts, one for each eyebrow. Some people have more control over one side of the forehead than the other, which allows them to raise one eyebrow independently.

Percentage of the Population That Can Raise One Eyebrow

People Raising Eyebrows

According to a study conducted in 2013, only around 20% of the population can raise one eyebrow. This means that it is a relatively rare talent that not many people possess. However, with practice and training, anyone can learn to raise one eyebrow.

Famous People Who Can Raise One Eyebrow

Dwayne Johnson Raising Eyebrow

There are many famous people who can raise one eyebrow, including Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, The Spock character from Star Trek, and Stephen Colbert. These individuals have become known for their ability to raise one eyebrow and have even incorporated it into their acting or comedic routines.

Why Can't Some People Raise One Eyebrow?

People Not Raising Eyebrows

Some people may have difficulty raising one eyebrow due to a lack of muscle control or strength. It could also be due to the anatomy of their forehead, which may not allow for independent movement of the eyebrows. However, with practice and training, anyone can learn to raise one eyebrow.

How to Learn to Raise One Eyebrow

People Practicing Raising Eyebrows

If you want to learn how to raise one eyebrow, there are a few tips and tricks that you can try. First, try raising one eyebrow while holding the other one down with your hand. This will help you isolate and strengthen the muscles that control the movement of the eyebrow. You can also practice in front of a mirror to see the movement and adjust accordingly.


While only around 20% of the population can raise one eyebrow, it is still a unique and fun talent that many people are interested in learning. With practice and training, anyone can learn to raise one eyebrow and become a part of the elite group of people who possess this rare talent.

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