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Eyebrow Shape For Your Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Your Face Shape


When it comes to grooming, eyebrows play a significant role in framing your face. The shape of your eyebrows can either enhance or diminish your overall facial features. Therefore, it is essential to understand which eyebrow shape will suit your face shape perfectly.

Face Shapes

Face Shapes

Before we dive into which eyebrow shape will suit you, it is essential to know which face shape you have. There are six face shapes: round, oval, square, oblong, heart, and diamond.

Round Face Shape: If your face is circular and has no sharp angles, you have a round face shape.

Oval Face Shape: If your forehead is slightly wider than your chin, and your face gently tapers at the cheeks, you have an oval face shape.

Square Face Shape: If your face is as wide as it is long, and your jawline is the most prominent feature of your face, you have a square face shape.

Oblong Face Shape: If your face is longer than it is wide, and your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are almost the same width, you have an oblong face shape.

Heart Face Shape: If your forehead is wider than your cheeks and jawline, and your chin is pointed, you have a heart face shape.

Diamond Face Shape: If your face is widest at the cheekbones and narrows at the forehead and jawline, you have a diamond face shape.

Eyebrow Shapes

Eyebrow Shapes

Now that you know your face shape let's dive into which eyebrow shape will suit you.

Round Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Round Face

For a round face shape, go for eyebrows with a high arch. It will create an illusion of a longer face. Avoid round eyebrows as it will make your face appear more circular.

Oval Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Oval Face

Oval face shapes can carry off most eyebrow shapes. However, soft angled eyebrows will complement your face shape the most.

Square Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Square Face

Square face shapes require curved eyebrows. It will soften your jawline and make your face appear less angular. Avoid thin and short eyebrows as it will make your face look boxy.

Oblong Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Oblong Face

For an oblong face shape, flat eyebrows with a slight curve will work wonders. It will create an illusion of a shorter face. Avoid round eyebrows as it will make your face appear more extended.

Heart Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Heart Face

For a heart face shape, go for curved eyebrows. It will balance the width of your forehead and chin. Avoid thin eyebrows as it will make your forehead appear more prominent.

Diamond Face Shape

Eyebrow Shape For Diamond Face

Diamond face shapes require curved eyebrows. It will soften the angles of your face and create an illusion of a shorter face. Avoid thin eyebrows as it will make your cheekbones appear more prominent.


It is essential to know which eyebrow shape will suit your face shape. The right eyebrow shape will enhance your overall facial features and give you a polished look. Remember, eyebrows are not one size fits all, and it is crucial to understand which shape will suit you correctly.

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