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My Eyebrow Hairs Grow Down

Eyebrow Hair Growth

For most people, eyebrow hair grows upwards towards the forehead. However, there are some individuals who experience their eyebrow hairs growing downwards towards their eyelids. This can be a frustrating and embarrassing issue, but there are solutions available.

What Causes Eyebrow Hairs to Grow Down?

Causes Of Eyebrow Hair Growth

There are several factors that can cause eyebrow hairs to grow down. One of the most common causes is genetics. If your parents or grandparents have downward-growing eyebrow hairs, it is likely that you will too. Hormonal imbalances can also cause eyebrow hair to grow in different directions.

Another possible cause is over-grooming. If you pluck or wax your eyebrows too often, it can damage the hair follicles and cause the hairs to grow in different directions. This can also happen if you use products such as eyebrow gels or pomades that weigh down the hairs.

The Effects of Downward-Growing Eyebrow Hairs

Effects Of Downward Eyebrow Hair

Having downward-growing eyebrow hairs can be a cosmetic concern for many people. It can make the eyebrows look sparse, patchy, and uneven. It can also create a shadow effect around the eyes, making them appear smaller or darker. This can be especially frustrating for those who want to achieve a certain eyebrow shape or style.

Solutions for Downward-Growing Eyebrow Hairs

Solutions For Downward Eyebrow Hair

There are several solutions available for those who experience downward-growing eyebrow hairs. One of the most effective options is to use a brow serum or oil that promotes hair growth and strengthens the follicles. These products can help the hairs grow in the right direction and prevent further damage.

Another option is to change your grooming routine. If you are over-plucking or over-waxing your eyebrows, try to limit these practices and give your eyebrows time to recover. You can also use a spoolie brush to comb the hairs upwards and train them to grow in the right direction.


Downward-growing eyebrow hairs can be a frustrating issue, but there are solutions available. By using the right products and changing your grooming routine, you can help your eyebrows grow in the right direction and achieve the look you desire.

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