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Mythbusters Am I Missing An Eyebrow

Mythbusters Am I Missing An Eyebrow

Have you ever wondered if you're missing an eyebrow? It's a common question that many people have, and it's often sparked by seeing someone with only one eyebrow or hearing a myth about losing an eyebrow. In this article, we'll explore the truth behind the myth and answer the question once and for all: Am I missing an eyebrow?

Myth: Losing an Eyebrow is a Common Occurrence

Mythbusters Losing An Eyebrow

One of the most common myths about eyebrows is that it's easy to lose one. Some people believe that plucking or waxing can cause an eyebrow to fall out or that getting hit in the face can knock one off. However, this is simply not true. Eyebrows are firmly rooted in the skin, and it takes a significant amount of force to pull one out. In fact, it's more likely that you'll pluck too many hairs and make your eyebrow look thinner, but it won't fall out completely.

Myth: Eyebrows Grow Back Differently

Mythbusters Eyebrows Grow Back Differently

Another myth about eyebrows is that they grow back differently after being plucked or shaved. This is also not true. When you pluck or shave an eyebrow hair, it will grow back the same as it was before. The only difference may be the texture of the hair if it's cut at an angle, but it will still be the same color and thickness.

Fact: Eyebrows Serve an Important Function

Mythbusters Eyebrows Important Function

While eyebrows may seem like a simple beauty feature, they actually serve an important function. Eyebrows help to protect our eyes by keeping sweat, dirt, and other debris from falling into them. They also help to communicate our emotions and can add character to our faces. So, while it may be tempting to pluck or shave them into a different shape, it's important to remember that they have a purpose.

Fact: Eyebrows Come in Different Shapes and Sizes

Mythbusters Eyebrows Different Shapes Sizes

Another fact about eyebrows is that they come in different shapes and sizes. Some people have bushy, thick eyebrows while others have thin, arched ones. The shape and size of your eyebrows are determined by your genetics and can't be changed. However, you can groom them to enhance their natural shape and make them look their best.


In conclusion, the myth that losing an eyebrow is a common occurrence is false. Eyebrows are firmly rooted in the skin and take a significant amount of force to be removed. Additionally, the myth that eyebrows grow back differently is also false. When you pluck or shave an eyebrow, it will grow back the same as it was before. Eyebrows serve an important function in protecting our eyes and communicating our emotions. They also come in different shapes and sizes, which are determined by genetics. So, if you're wondering if you're missing an eyebrow, the answer is most likely no.

Related video of Mythbusters: Am I Missing an Eyebrow?