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Can You Correct Eyebrow Droop From Botox

If you've ever received Botox injections, you may have experienced some unexpected side effects, such as eyebrow droop. This can be a frustrating and embarrassing issue, but thankfully, there are ways to correct it. In this article, we'll discuss the causes of eyebrow droop after Botox and what you can do to fix it.

What Causes Eyebrow Droop From Botox?

Botox Injection

Botox works by temporarily paralyzing muscles in order to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. However, if too much Botox is injected into the forehead area, it can cause the eyebrows to droop. This happens because the muscle responsible for lifting the eyebrows, called the frontalis muscle, is weakened by the Botox.

In some cases, eyebrow droop can also occur if the Botox is injected too low on the forehead, near the eyebrows. This can cause the muscle that pulls the eyebrows down, called the orbicularis oculi, to overpower the weakened frontalis muscle, resulting in droopy eyebrows.

How to Correct Eyebrow Droop From Botox

Correct Eyebrow Droop From Botox

If you're experiencing eyebrow droop after Botox, there are a few different treatment options available to you:

Wait it Out

Wait It Out

In most cases, eyebrow droop from Botox will resolve on its own within a few weeks to a few months. This is because Botox is a temporary treatment, and as the effects wear off, the muscles will regain their strength and the eyebrows will return to their normal position.

Use Eye Drops

Use Eye Drops

If your eyebrow droop is caused by the orbicularis oculi muscle overpowering the frontalis muscle, you may be able to correct it using eye drops. Eye drops that contain alpha-adrenergic agonists, such as Brimonidine, can help to temporarily lift the eyebrows by constricting the blood vessels in the area.

Try Facial Exercises

Facial Exercises

Facial exercises can also help to strengthen the muscles in the forehead area and improve eyebrow droop. One exercise that can be effective is to place your fingertips just above your eyebrows and push down gently, while simultaneously trying to lift your eyebrows up. Hold for a few seconds and then release, repeating several times per day.

Get a Touch-Up Injection

Touch-Up Injection

If your eyebrow droop is severe or persistent, you may need to get a touch-up injection from your Botox provider. This involves injecting a small amount of Botox into the area to balance out the muscles and correct the droop.

Preventing Eyebrow Droop From Botox

Preventing Eyebrow Droop From Botox

The best way to prevent eyebrow droop from Botox is to choose an experienced and qualified provider who understands the proper placement of the injections. It's also important to avoid touching or rubbing the area after the injections, and to avoid lying down or bending over for several hours after the treatment.


While eyebrow droop after Botox can be frustrating, there are several ways to correct and prevent it. If you're experiencing this side effect, talk to your Botox provider about your options and how they can help you achieve the best possible results.

Related video of Can You Correct Eyebrow Droop From Botox?