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Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil How To Sharpen

Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil


Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil is a popular product among makeup enthusiasts. It is easy to use and gives you the perfect brow look. However, sharpening the pencil can be a daunting task for some. In this article, we will guide you on how to sharpen your Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil.

Gather Your Tools

Before you start sharpening your eyebrow pencil, make sure you have the necessary tools. You will need a sharpener that is suitable for your pencil size. We recommend using a Maybelline Dual Sharpener that is specifically designed for the Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil.

Maybelline Dual Sharpener

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to sharpen your Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil:

Step 1: Clean the Sharpener

Before you begin, make sure your sharpener is clean. Remove any debris or leftover pencil shavings from the previous use.

Clean Sharpener

Step 2: Insert the Pencil

Insert the eyebrow pencil into the sharpener. Make sure the pencil is inserted all the way in, but not too tight.

Insert Pencil Into Sharpener

Step 3: Sharpen the Pencil

Rotate the sharpener around the pencil in a clockwise motion. Make sure to apply gentle pressure and rotate the sharpener evenly around the pencil.

Sharpen Pencil

Step 4: Check the Tip

Check the tip of the pencil to see if it is sharp enough. If not, repeat the sharpening process until you achieve the desired sharpness.

Check Tip

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when sharpening your Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil:

  • Don't sharpen too much at once, as this can waste the product and make it difficult to control when applying.
  • Rotate the sharpener evenly around the pencil to prevent uneven sharpening.
  • Clean the sharpener after each use to prevent debris from building up and affecting the sharpness of the pencil.
  • Use a light touch when sharpening to prevent the pencil from breaking or becoming too sharp.


Sharpening your Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil is easy when you have the right tools and follow the proper steps. With this guide, you can ensure that your pencil is always sharp and ready to use. Remember to use a gentle touch and clean your sharpener after each use for best results.

Related video of Maybelline Tattoo Studio Eyebrow Pencil How To Sharpen