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Do Anti Eyebrow Piercings Always Reject

Anti Eyebrow Piercing

Anti eyebrow piercings are a popular trend in the world of body modification. They are also known as upper cheek piercings or teardrop piercings. This type of piercing involves placing a small piece of jewelry just below the eye, on the upper cheek area.

Many people wonder if anti eyebrow piercings always reject. Like any other piercing, it is always possible for the body to reject the jewelry. However, there are factors that can increase the likelihood of rejection.

What Causes Piercing Rejection?

Piercing Rejection

Piercing rejection occurs when the body sees the jewelry as a foreign object and tries to push it out. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Improper placement of the piercing
  • Using low-quality jewelry
  • Allergic reactions to the jewelry material
  • Excessive movement or trauma to the piercing
  • Improper aftercare

Factors That Increase the Likelihood of Rejection

Anti Eyebrow Piercing Rejection

While any piercing can reject, there are factors that can increase the likelihood of rejection for anti eyebrow piercings. These include:

  • Thin skin in the area where the piercing will be placed
  • Placing the piercing too close to the eye
  • Using large or heavy jewelry
  • Not giving the piercing enough time to heal before changing the jewelry

How to Prevent Piercing Rejection

Prevent Piercing Rejection

There are steps you can take to prevent piercing rejection. These include:

  • Choosing a reputable piercer who has experience with anti eyebrow piercings
  • Using high-quality jewelry made from materials that your body can tolerate
  • Following proper aftercare instructions, including cleaning the piercing regularly and avoiding touching or twisting the jewelry
  • Giving the piercing enough time to heal before changing the jewelry
  • Avoiding activities that can cause trauma to the piercing, such as contact sports

What to Do If Your Piercing Starts to Reject

Piercing Rejection Treatment

If you notice signs of piercing rejection, such as the jewelry moving or becoming more visible, it is important to take action immediately. The first step is to see a professional piercer or healthcare provider for advice.

In some cases, it may be possible to save the piercing by changing the jewelry or adjusting the placement. However, in other cases, the piercing may need to be removed to prevent further damage.


Like any other piercing, anti eyebrow piercings can reject. However, there are steps you can take to prevent rejection and increase the likelihood of a successful piercing. By choosing a reputable piercer, using high-quality jewelry, following proper aftercare instructions, and seeking professional help if needed, you can enjoy your anti eyebrow piercing for years to come.

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