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How To Raise One Eyebrow Step By Step

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to express disbelief or skepticism with just one eyebrow? If yes, then you must know how difficult it is to raise just one eyebrow without making any facial expression. It takes a lot of practice and patience to master this skill. In this article, we will guide you on how to raise one eyebrow step by step.

Step 1: Know Your Eyebrows


Before you start practicing, it is essential to know your eyebrows. Eyebrows are made up of tiny muscles, and each eyebrow has three main muscles: the corrugator, procerus, and orbicularis oculi. The corrugator muscle is responsible for lowering the eyebrow, while the other two muscles are responsible for raising the eyebrow.

Step 2: Relax Your Face

Relax Face

The key to raising one eyebrow is to relax your face. Tension in your face can make it difficult to raise just one eyebrow. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to relax your face.

Step 3: Raise Your Eyebrow

Raise Eyebrow

Now, try to raise one eyebrow. Focus on the muscles above the eyebrow that raise it. Lift your eyebrow as high as you can without raising the other eyebrow or wrinkling your forehead. Repeat this step several times until you get comfortable with it.

Step 4: Lower Your Eyebrow

Lower Eyebrow

Once you are comfortable with raising one eyebrow, try to lower it. Focus on the muscles above the eyebrow that lower it. Lower the eyebrow as much as you can without lowering the other eyebrow or wrinkling your forehead. Repeat this step several times until you get comfortable with it.

Step 5: Alternate Between Raising and Lowering

Alternate Eyebrow

Now, try to alternate between raising and lowering one eyebrow. Raise one eyebrow and then lower it, and then raise the other eyebrow and lower it. Keep practicing this step until you can alternate between raising and lowering one eyebrow smoothly.

Step 6: Practice in Front of a Mirror


Practice in front of a mirror to see your progress. Look at your eyebrows and make sure that you are raising and lowering just one eyebrow. Keep practicing until you can raise and lower one eyebrow without any facial expression.

Step 7: Use Your Eyebrow to Express Emotions

Express Emotions

Once you have mastered the skill of raising one eyebrow, use it to express emotions. You can use it to show disbelief, skepticism, surprise, or any other emotion that requires one raised eyebrow.


Raising one eyebrow is not an easy skill to master, but with practice and patience, you can do it. Remember to relax your face, focus on the muscles above the eyebrow, and alternate between raising and lowering one eyebrow. Practice in front of a mirror and use your eyebrow to express emotions. With these steps, you will be able to raise one eyebrow like a pro.

Related video of How To Raise One Eyebrow Step By Step