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How To Raise Only One Eyebrow

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Have you ever wondered how some people can raise only one eyebrow? It's a unique talent that not everyone possesses. Whether you want to impress your friends or use it in your acting career, raising only one eyebrow can be a useful skill to learn. In this article, we'll show you how to raise only one eyebrow with ease.

The Muscles Involved

Muscles Involved In Raising Eyebrow

To raise only one eyebrow, you need to know which muscles are involved. The muscle responsible for raising your eyebrow is called the frontalis muscle. It's located in your forehead and runs from your eyebrows to your hairline. The muscle responsible for lowering your eyebrow is called the corrugator supercilii muscle. It's located above your eyebrows and runs from the bridge of your nose to your eyebrows. To raise only one eyebrow, you need to isolate the frontalis muscle on one side of your face.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step By Step Guide To Raising Eyebrow

Follow these steps to raise only one eyebrow:

  1. Relax your face and forehead muscles.
  2. Focus on the muscle above the eyebrow on the side you want to raise.
  3. Tense that muscle while keeping the rest of your face relaxed.
  4. Slowly lift that eyebrow while keeping the other one still.
  5. Hold the raised eyebrow for a few seconds.
  6. Lower the raised eyebrow slowly while keeping the other one still.

Tips and Tricks

Tips And Tricks To Raise Eyebrow

Here are some tips and tricks to help you raise only one eyebrow:

  • Practice in front of a mirror to see which muscles you're using.
  • Start with small lifts and gradually increase the height of the raised eyebrow.
  • Try raising the opposite eyebrow to the one you normally use to see if it's easier.
  • Use your fingers to help isolate the muscle if you're having trouble.
  • Make sure to relax your face and forehead muscles between each attempt.


Raising only one eyebrow may seem like a difficult task, but with practice and patience, anyone can learn how to do it. Remember to focus on the muscle above the eyebrow on the side you want to raise and keep the rest of your face relaxed. Use the tips and tricks provided to help you perfect this unique talent. Impress your friends or use it in your acting career, the choice is yours!

Related video of How To Raise Only One Eyebrow