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Learn How To Raise One Eyebrow


Have you ever seen someone raise one eyebrow and thought it was cool or wondered how they did it? Well, you're not alone. Raising one eyebrow is a skill that many people wish they had. It can make you look more expressive, sarcastic, and even sexy.

But, have you ever tried to raise one eyebrow and failed miserably? Don't worry, it's not as hard as it seems. In this article, we will teach you how to raise one eyebrow step-by-step, so you can master this cool trick.

Introduction To Eyebrow Raising

Step 1: Relax Your Face

The first step in raising one eyebrow is to relax your face. You don't want any tension in your forehead or around your eyes. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to help you relax.

Relax Your Face

Step 2: Focus on One Eyebrow

Next, focus on one eyebrow. It's important to start with one eyebrow before trying to raise both. Choose the eyebrow that feels more natural to move.

Focus On One Eyebrow

Step 3: Use Your Forehead Muscles

To raise one eyebrow, you need to use your forehead muscles. Specifically, the frontalis muscle. This muscle is responsible for raising your eyebrows and wrinkling your forehead.

Frontalis Muscle

Step 4: Lift One Eyebrow

Now, it's time to lift one eyebrow. Use your frontalis muscle to raise the eyebrow as high as you can. Don't worry if it doesn't move much at first. It takes practice to build the muscle memory.

Lift One Eyebrow

Step 5: Lower the Other Eyebrow

As you lift one eyebrow, the other eyebrow might also try to lift. To prevent this, lower the other eyebrow by using the corrugator supercilii muscle. This muscle is responsible for lowering your eyebrows and creating wrinkles between them.

Lower The Other Eyebrow

Step 6: Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, raising one eyebrow takes practice. Keep practicing raising one eyebrow until you can do it effortlessly. Then, try raising the other eyebrow. Once you can raise both eyebrows independently, try raising one while lowering the other.

Practice Raising One Eyebrow

Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you raise one eyebrow:

  • Use a mirror to watch yourself raise one eyebrow
  • Experiment with different eyebrow movements, such as raising one while furrowing the other
  • Try combining eyebrow movements with other facial expressions, such as a smile or frown
  • Don't force your eyebrows to move. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to raise one eyebrow
Tips And Tricks For Raising One Eyebrow


Raising one eyebrow is a fun and cool trick that can make you look more expressive and even sexy. With practice and patience, you can learn how to raise one eyebrow effortlessly. Remember to relax your face, focus on one eyebrow, use your forehead muscles, lift one eyebrow, lower the other eyebrow, and practice, practice, practice. Follow these steps and tips, and you'll be raising one eyebrow like a pro in no time.

Related video of Learn How To Raise One Eyebrow