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Guy Shaves Eyebrow For Klondike

Funny Shaving Eyebrow


Have you ever done something crazy for a Klondike bar? Well, one guy went above and beyond for a frozen treat. He decided to shave off one of his eyebrows in exchange for a Klondike bar.

The Bet

Shaving Eyebrow For Bet

It all started with a group of friends hanging out at a local convenience store. They were all enjoying some Klondike bars when one friend bet another that he wouldn't shave off one of his eyebrows for a Klondike bar. The bet was on!

The Shave

Man Shaving Eyebrow

The guy who accepted the bet didn't waste any time. He went straight to the bathroom and grabbed a razor. He didn't even hesitate as he began to shave off one of his eyebrows.

The Reaction

People Laughing At Shaved Eyebrow

When he came out of the bathroom, his friends couldn't believe what they were seeing. They burst out laughing and couldn't stop for several minutes. Even the store clerk couldn't help but join in on the laughter.

The Klondike Bar

Klondike Bar

After the laughter died down, the guy who shaved off his eyebrow collected his reward. He enjoyed his Klondike bar with a smile on his face and a missing eyebrow.

The Aftermath

Growing Back Eyebrow

The guy who shaved off his eyebrow had to deal with the consequences of his actions for several weeks. He had to explain to everyone why he only had one eyebrow and deal with the awkward stares. But he didn't regret it one bit.

The Lesson

Lesson Learned

While shaving off an eyebrow for a Klondike bar may not be the smartest decision, it does show how far some people will go for a tasty treat. Sometimes, it's good to let loose and do something out of the ordinary.


So, next time you're enjoying a Klondike bar, think about how far you would go for one. Would you shave off one of your eyebrows? It's up to you to decide.

Related video of Guy Shaves Eyebrow For Klondike